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 1. Brian Lamb and Alan Levine  Connected Learners- The Power of Social Software  NAU E-Learning Institute 2006 
 2. MFG Baden-Württemberg  04 / Social Software  MFG Innovationcast 
 3. aquaculturepda  Audio: Using social software with students  Mobile Technology in TAFE 
 4. Ricardo Galli  Importancia Social Software Libre  Presentacion Internet Global Conference 2005 
 5. MFG Baden-Württemberg  Sonderfolge: FAZIT-Studie zu Social Software  MFG Innovationcast 
 6. EDUCAUSE  E07 - Social Software in Higher Education: Isolated Accidents or the Start of Something Big?  EDUCAUSE 2007 
 7. Bill McNee, Saugatuck Technology  The Disruptive Power of Software As a Service   
 8. Bill McNee, Saugatuck Technology  The Disruptive Power of Software As a Service   
 9. Bill McNee, Saugatuck Technology  The Disruptive Power of Software As a Service   
 10. Bill McNee, Saugatuck Technology  The Disruptive Power of Software As a Service   
 11. Gary McGraw  How to Start a Secure Software Development Program - Part 2: Key Practices for New Software; COTS and Legacy Software  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 12. Gary McGraw  How to Start a Secure Software Development Program - Part 2: Key Practices for New Software; COTS and Legacy Software  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 13. Robert Creeley  On poetry, the internet, and social power  Kelly Writers House fellows program discussion and interview with Robert Creeley, KWH, April 11, 2000 
 14. Deltina Hay of Social Media Power  Social Media Power Podcast  Social media and Web 2.0 Basics for Business 
 15. Freedom Scientific  May 2009 - Jonathan Mosen discusses the use of the social networking site Twitter in conjunction with JAWS screen reading software and PAC Mate Omni accessible Pocket PC  FSCast 
 16. Dame Carol Kidu  The power of partnerships in addressing Papua New Guinea's social challenges  Wednesday Lunch at Lowy 
 17. Brian Gallagher  Becoming a Smart Buyer of Software - Part 2: Acquiring Software with Security in Mind  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 18. Julia Allen  Building More Secure Software - Part 1: Software Security Is Just Good Business  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 19. Julia Allen  Building More Secure Software - Part 2: Develop Software with a Security Mind-set  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 20. Mary Ann Davidson  Developing Secure Software: Universities as Supply Chain Partners - Part 1: The Software Security Knowledge Gap  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 21. Dawn Cappelli  Insider Threat and the Software Development Life Cycle - Part 4: Software Process and Raising Awareness  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 22. Brian Gallagher  Becoming a Smart Buyer of Software - Part 1: Buying vs. Building Software  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 23. Bob Charette  Is There Value in Identifying Software Security Never Events? - Part 1: Errors in Medical Care as an Analogy for Errors in Software  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 24. Arjen ter Hoeve  Session 44 - the story of the social psychology - part 1 .... 0:28 - Introduction .... 1:45 - Social Cognition, Prejudice ....12:59 - Today in the history ....13:52 - Impression, Self Perception, etc  MindPodcast.com 
 25. susan smith nash  demotivated e-learners  e-learning queen 
 26. Dan Mahon  Disciples are Lifelong Learners  Matthew 4:18-20 
 27. Jeff Lebow & Dave Cormier  Connecting Educators as Learners  EFest 2008 Presentation 
 28. Dan Mahon  Disciples are Lifelong Learners  Matthew 4:18-20 
 29. Bell International  Why Choose Bell Young Learners?  www.bell-centres.com 
 30. Graham Stanley  Barcelona Young Learners EFL Podcasts  Barcelona Young Learners EFL Podcasts 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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